
Configure your form.

Enter a descriptive name for your form, e.g. "Product Page Feedback Form"
Enter the question you would like to ask your vistiors, e.g. "How can we improve this page?" Max 75 characters
Answer Placeholder
Enter a placeholder to provide instructions on how you want your users to fill in your form, e.g. "Do you have any comments, ideas, complaints or any other details to help us improve?"
Button Text
Enter the text to display on the submit button, e.g. "Send Feedback"
Customise the appearance of the form.

Text color, e.g. "black" or "#000":

Link color, e.g "red" or "#fc0303":

Button color, e.g "red" or "#fc0303":

Button text color, e.g "white" or "#fff":

Border radius, e.g "10":

Font family, e.g "'Arial', sans-serif":

Notification Email (optional)
You'll get notified on this email address every time someone submits a response.

Live Preview

See how the form will appear.

💬 How can we improve this page?